Sydney's Harbour Brewing Company established in 1996 has reintroduced this top-fermented ale in reverence to the great Captain James Cook. The label states:" The immortal Capt. James Cook, in a voyage of three years and 13 days, lost only one man to disease. The health of the seaman was preserved through the use of malt, honey, fruits and molasses made into wort and fermented into beer". The resulting conclusion was that "Seamen never lose their health as long as the beer lasts". |
The beer is full flavoured and balanced with Goldings, Fuggles and Saaz hops and as wheat as well as barley malt. Full sail grabed a swag of awards in five categories at the 1999 Australian International Beer Awards. This beer is a robust, malty beer from The Harbour Brewing Company. |
The full bodied beer begins with a rich fruity aroma, provides a strong malty body and finishes with a sweet aftertaste. The added molasses and caramalt are particularly evident in this flavoursome beer. |
The Harbour
Brewery contends that Full Sail is brewed in single batches to insure
freshness. Each bottle is
notched with the particular “best before” month for optimal enjoyment.
Full Sail is one of those great beers you can sit on and enjoy,
rather than just quench. |
Food For Thought: |
This beer is a robust beer with sweet molasses overtones and as such should not be drunk in great quantity, rather enjoyed on its own or with sweet and flavoursome foods. Full Sail would be the perfect accompaniment to cheese platters with dried fruit, especially strong cheese like Dutch cheeses (edams), Wensleydale and most blue cheeses. Full Sail’s sweet character also lends towards servings of apple tarts, dried fruits and dates.
Take a break from drinking like the author of this article did - Read why and how in his book Between Drinks: Escape the Routine, Take Control and Join the Clear Thinkers