Thomas Coopers Finest Export pays homage to the founder of the great independent brewing company which he founded over 130 years ago. Finest Export is a cloudy beer with a full head yet without the yeast residue seen in the other Coopers beers like Pale Ale, Sparkling Ale, Dark Ale and Stout. Thomas Coopers finest Export uses a blend of complementary malts together with Ringwood Hops to produce a beer that Thomas Cooper would be proud to drink. |
The flavoursome brew has a distinct bitter flavour realised from the early addition of the hops into the kettle boil, providing a clean palate sensation. Coopers has selected a yeast that provides a smooth drinkable beer that finishes with a bitter clean taste. The thirst quenching beer should be served well chilled to obtain that fresh taste. The rich bitter aftertaste gives the drinker a sense that this is a well crafted Coopers beer. Testament to the great Australian brewer, Thomas Cooper, who brought the ancient brewing processes of ales and stouts to Australia in 1862. Thomas Coopers Finest Export is another great beer from the fourth and fifth generation of the Coopers family that is fresh, clear, refreshing and easy on the senses.
Food for Thought: Finest Export is another full bodied beer that can travel cuisine spectrum. Mild enough to accompany dishes such as pan fried fish, cabonara, warm seafood salads and sushi. Bold enough to accompany steak sandwiches, rack of lamb, lamb shanks, and creamy chicken dishes. Smooth enough to enjoy with friends at your place or mine. Cheers Tom!
Take a break from drinking like the author of this article did - Read why and how in his book Between Drinks: Escape the Routine, Take Control and Join the Clear Thinkers